2008-2013, a picture a year



I ruglarly read   Sandra Juto’s blog and I am amazed to see how many pictures she has taken from the same day in different years. One day I thought “maybe I also have some pictures from the same day in different years! So taking this as an inspiration,  I realized how many different things I did during the last years on the 13th of April. Isn’t it fun?
2008.04.22 217

2008: I was in a bus heading back to Barcelona. It was at sunset and the skyline of the city was beautiful.


2009: We celebrated Easter in Germany with the traditional painted eggs, which I have never seen before that.


2010: I bought a lavender plant. It lasted two months 😦


2011: It was realy warm in Biarritz, France and I spent an afternoon sunbathing in the beach


2012: I saw wild seals for the first time in the Cape Bridgewater in Australia.


2013: This morning I grab a book and sat outside enjoying the nice weather : )

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