Lettres d’un inconnu: snail mail from strangers

design, shopping

Lettres d’un inconnu  is a new concept-shop that relies on something not so new: handwritten letters. Subscribing to this service means getting one beautiful, personal and handwritten letter every now and then. Those letters will vary topics from time to time, but they want to surprise you, inspire you and make you travel. All the details will be important: an easy understandable handwrite, a quality paper, a nice envelope…

The idea comes after the author realized every morning she only had bills on her mailbox instead of letters explaining entertaining stories that she used to get when email was only a futuristic item. She wanted to have this feeling back, the excitment of checking the mailbox everyday waiting for the letter to come. And also the pleasure of opening it and reading it slowly, and re-reading it at any time.

Boite aux Lettres bois
For the moment is only available in French, but I guess using a dictionary (a print one!) to guess what the letter is about can be also quite charming, isn’t it?

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