Oreo’s 100th birthday


History explained with a cookie. As simple as that. As awesome as that.

This is Oreo’s campaign in order to celebrate their 100th birthday, with a collection of images showing the most relevant highlights from the last century. Created by Draftfcb New York, they have also created a funny ad that will surely you bring you back to the past.

Via Brainstorm9

Gifted magazine

art, english

ENG. Birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations are the perfect ocasion to show how much we love our family or our friends. This usually means giving them a gift or a present, and it’s not always easy neither cheap to show that love. Sometimes we don’t know what to buy or what we thaught it’s too expensive and can’t afford it. Well, there’s this magazine called “Gifted Magazine” for all this people who loves to do the presents itself. You would find a lot of freebies and other nice stuff to do. It is really nice shown in the magazine, but I’m not sure what the result would look like if messy people like me try to do it… So my friends, I might send something inspired on it for your birthdays! Now you are awared, in case it’s something terrible! ^^

Click here to read the magazine.

(Via Desenfoque Gaussiano)

Joyeux anniversaire!

advertising, art, books, català, cinema, design, english, ilustration, internet, music, others/altres, photography, television, trips, video, websites

CAT. Aquest blog compleix un any aquest mes. Moltes coses han canviat aquest darrer any, però moltes altres s’han quedat com estaven, així que puc dir que, després de tot, ha estat un bon any.

Aquest blog va començar per motius purament acadèmics i se suposava que hauria de ser avorrit i de duració determinada. Al final, però, ha resultat ser alguna cosa molt diferent del que tenia planificat al principi. És com els fills, mai saps com et sortiran.

Es podria dir que un blog és igual que un fill; intentes cuidar-lo dia a dia, aportant-hi el millor de tu perquè creixi feliç i de la millor manera possible. Les mares solen pensar que els seus fills són el millor del món, i habitualment els bloggers pensem el mateix. Les mares acostumen a fer àlbums de fotos dels seus nens, recopilant totes les seves memòries, i és segur que estaran disposades a ensenyar-t’ho en qualsevol moment, per mostrar al món el seu orgull i mira-què-bé-que-ho-faig.

Crec, doncs, que ha arribat el moment que com a mare orgullosa faci el mateix, que mostri un recull del millor que ha donat de sí aquest any. Espero que, malgrat tot, us agradi, i que aquest blog segueixi creixent més i millor durant els pròxims temps (això és el que sempre els hi agrada pensar a les mares, no?).


ENG. Fünf Gemüse turns 1 year old this month. During this year lots of things has changed, but some of them have stayed the same, so I can say it’s been a good year after all.

Writing a blog is like being a mum: you try hard to put the best of you in each post, so it can be raised up in the best possible way. Mums tends to think their kids are the best thing on Earth (so we do bloggers). Mums have albums full of pictures of their sons, and they are ready to show them to you in any moment. Well, as a proud mum I am affraid the moment to show you the best of this year has arrived.

I hope you will enjoy it, and I hope Fünf Gemüse will be growing up as well this year (proud mums always thinks so).


Advertising: Cannes Lions 2010, Masia La Serra

Art: L’art urgellenc i el Petit Príncep, Els buits de Modigliani,Claude Monet al Grand Palais

Cafè / Coffee: Best Coffee Ever, Searching for the perfect Coffeshop,

Cinema: In search of a Midnight Kiss, Big Things Small Time

Disseny / Desing: Show us your Type

Fotografia / Photography: The Frame Jorunal, My Weekend,Visual Tribute to Spring, Hello, Fall!

Literatura / Literature: Let the great world spin

Miscelània / Miscelanous: El glamour de la revolució, Awesome Generation, No acceptem Google com a sinònim de mama, La Alemanya que no oblida

Música / Music: Videoclips

Televisió / Television: Karambolage

Viatges / Trips: London Photoguide, Lisboa Cinco Imagems, Napoli Città dell’Amore, Landes et Pays Basque